
Politics exists because people disagree. They disagree about how people should live, about who should get what and about who should make decisions on behalf of the country. If Politics exists because people disagree then studying Politics must mean studying how, why and when people disagree and how these disagreements affect the running of the country.

Fact file

  • GCSEs to include a grade Grade 4 in English

  • Minimum Average GCSE Score required for this course: 4

  • The department has a strong tradition of running external trips including visits to the Houses of Parliament, the Supreme Court and New York

  • Many students go on to study Politics, International Relations or related subjects.

Course Summary

The course is divided into three topics: UK Politics, US Politics and Political Theory.

A strong emphasis is placed throughout the A Level on up-to-date knowledge and understanding of political events around the world. It is therefore vital that you are willing to watch and read the news throughout the year.

Politics is therefore particularly likely to suit you if you:

  • Have an interest in the world around you;if you want to know more about the society you live in, it’s elections and referendums, how it works and how it could work

  • Enjoy debate, discussion and argument; if you are comfortable with the fact that in Politics there are no simple ‘rights’ or ‘wrongs’!

  • Like to think for yourself; if you want to challenge and develop your own views, rather than simply accepting the views of others.